The use of crystals began more than 30,000 years ago in many different cultures and places across the world. The word crystal is derived from the ancient word krustallos, meaning “Ice” and “rock”. The Ancient Egyptians utilized crystal stones for protection, health, cosmetically, and as grave amulets. Greek soldiers would rub hematite on their bodies prior to battle for protection. Amythyst stones were often worn to prevent drunkenness.
We are all made of electrons, neutrons, protons, and have a vibration. Every object and being, including crystals, are made up of energy. It is thought that crystals contain traces of therapeutic minerals that can pass through the skin barrier and cause physiologic changes. Our physiologic changes are thought to raise or lower our “vibrations”. Crystals have universal energies because their molecules are arranged in repeating patterns that are geometrically perfect causing them to hold their vibrational frequency. It is more difficult for humans to maintain a high vibration. Today people use crystals to assist with reducing stress, anxiety, pain, and to improve their overall well-being.